About Us

A year of getting people on the water.

Since January 2023, we worked with our Advisory Group to organize a variety of public tours, events, and guide training opportunities with the help of a Duwamish River Opportunity Fund (DROF) grant. We collaborated closely with partners, including DIRT Corps, Puget Soundkeeper Alliance, and Duwamish River Community Coalition. These program partnerships expanded access to the Duwamish River and Salish Sea, and promoted greater awareness and stewardship of the rich environmental and cultural heritage of the region.

Our Goals:

  • Increase safe access to the Duwamish River

    After successfully completing the two-day training, 63 Guide Trainees have helped host school groups, public events, and more.

  • Diversify Paddle sports by training new guides

    We offer paid training opportunities with a focus on low-income, BIPOC, or LGBTQI+ individuals. We also provide paid training opportunities to help reduce financial barriers for trainees and create a welcoming environment for all participants.

  • Involve and engage the community in pollution prevention

    Our efforts resulted in the removal of 800 pounds of garbage and marine debris, and 550 volunteer participants were given information about river cleanup.

A message from our founders

“In 2022, we developed the idea for a paddle program on the Duwamish River for and with the community. We believe people should have safe access to the Duwamish River, accurate historic and current information about the cleanup and restoration, and an easy way to get involved in water stewardship. We hope you are inspired to get engaged and support RAPP in whatever ways you can. See you on the River!”

- Lee & Cari